I suggest to the owner and operators of the social site WriterBabu to effect the following changes:

1) Rename "Speechless" as "Outstanding", "Hats Off" as "Very Good", "Nice"
as "Good" and "Hummm" as "Average". These revised names for ratings
will make greater sense to every one, in or outside the WriterBabu, because
they are understood universally.

2) Have a place where we can see the history and record of 'comments' made
by all the WriterBabus or at least myself.

3) Like in (2) above, have a place where we can see the history and record of the
Author Polls.

4) The friends on WriterBabu should know each other's country and the places
where they live. Total anonymity may seem as though we are writing for and
communicating with some unknown machines.

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