I am the rhyme of a poet
I am the composition of a musician
I am the melody of an instrument
I am the song of a bird
I am the rain of the earth
I am the mistake of a common man
I am the joy of someone's victory
I am the masterpiece of a painter
I am the radiance of the world
I am the peace of a winter landscape
I am the spark of fire
I am the haste of a waterfall
I am the freedom of a feathered friend
I am the innocent cry of a child
I am the howl of beggar
I am the pain of virginal striving families
I am the smile of a cheerful person
I am the delight of every happy being
I am the silence of the deep forest
I am the chaos of a broken heart
I am the nap of a little lion cub
I am the dream of a new born
I am the tsunami of an ocean
I am the devastation of many new homes
I am the orphan hood of many children
I am the howl of every street dog
I am the disappointment after each lost match
I am the name of moving ahead
I am the amusing life................

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