In every moment of unhappiness, i have wished that the cause would undo itself.. the situation always seemed so hopeless and terrible and each one of the times i have truly believed that i could never get though it and that i could never forget the pain.. oh! no no..
For each of the moments, till date, has come another moment sometime post its passing, where i have secretly asked myself if i would truly change what happened, if i had the chance.. and every time i have surprised myself with the answer.. no no..?? ..oh!!..
And every once in a while comes a moment very much like this, in which i acknowledge that all the moments in my past; the ones that changed me and my life in ways big and small, happened just the way it was intended.. <
and that i am glad for it as i know for sure that i have only grown to love myself more with surviving each one of them.

This moment has no other moment of judgement following, because it in i am at peace... *sigh* :-)

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