It was that night of crazy love making
Of kises, and hugs
Of dark and light..
We were both exhausted
You went to sleep
I was staring at you for long
Your beautiful face with an open mouth
It was so child like
How much light was there
I dont know but you were shining
Shining like a pearl in the ocean
You placed your hand on me
And slowly your weinght shftited to me
For a childlike face you were happy
I gasped for air
But didnt wake up for some reason
maybe I was feeling heroic
wanted to carry you in my arms
I can be stupid like that
& you were in deep sleep
Must be in dreams in foreign land
Fighting ungodly things
Bringing them to light
But you wern't light
You were heavy
And I kissed your forehad
Like they do in fairytales
I was feeling heroic for sure
& I kept looking
Untill I fell asleep
The best sleep in a long time

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