Tiny drops of sweat trickling down her right arm was expected in the humid damp air inside the bus because she was surrounded by men, women and children in front, sides and back.
She stood finally grasping the rod handle at the back after fruitless search for a seat. The space near the window fortunately open provided enough space to accommodate her handbag. Suddenly the ticklish feeling of sweat vanished after a few seconds to which she didn't pay much attention. A moment later the trickle of sweat bead returned but this time it felt a tad too big and pressing into her skin. A sudden bolt of shock passed when she sensed a similar feeling on her exposed lower back as she was dressed in a saree.
The aunties and uncles standing around hadn't left much room for her to turn and observe her hand which if she did would lead to unacceptable,inappropriate brushing of her breasts with the man nearby.
She was alert, with a sinking feeling in her chest,mustering up courage she turned around and saw a man behind who she had not seen standing at first was rubbing his fingers on her abrasively.

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