Why do bad things happen to good people? This is a central problem faced by many people.

Here comes God.

God,the creator is both powerfull and all good.This being the case,why would such a supreme being create a universe which is less than perfect,which allows for the existence of evil-for bad things to happen to good people?
Its like a great artist would create an ugly work of art.

Isn't this a cruel betrayal of love and faith of devotees?

What just happens that The mercifull God allows bad things to happen to good people.
Someone you love very much dies an untimely death and your world is shattered.Couldn't the God that you are devoted to have prevented this tragedy? What use is an all power being if he can't prevent such pain and suffering ?

Personally,I don't believe God but if we think in a different way like-

What if God were to intervene in our day to day life then we would be no longer be autonomous human beings but robot-like automatons. We would no longer be free capable of making our own choices -which also includes the choice of believing in God or not.
Having to endure the bad things is the price we pay for our free will.

Whom do you blame for this ?
Not God,because you for you there is no God,not malign fate or blind chance,because you and only you are responsible for the world you have created. A world in which you love someone so much that if that person dies then your world shatters.
For me,I don't believe God but somewhere i feel the bad things which happen somewhere we are also responsible for what we do or for what we suffer.

I think good and bad things are just illusions and a part of maya.
Strip away this illusions from your life and they will disappear like phantoms.

Just move on in your life :D

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