Human emotions. Chemical imbalances and activities in the body and the brain that screw up logic, and often force us to do things that can be classified into two branches - right, and wrong. What is really screwed up about this entire thing is, they ignore logic altogether. Things should not be classified as right or wrong, but as logical and illogical.

The choices that are logical should be defined as right. And the ones that are illogical should be defined as wrong. But being in contact with human beings for 22 years of my life, I have learnt only one thing - they will eliminate logic altogether and end up doing things that have no explanation. This is my point of view. Now some may argue that if killing someone is logical, then should we just execute the task? I would say yes. And that is exactly why I often consider myself a subhuman.

Now, you may ask "Why Subhuman? Why not an Inhuman?" That is because an inhuman is better than a human being in every possible way. In fact, they may be better than machines and robots as well. Because they would easily survive an EMP blast (or so I think, because that is the maximum my little brain can perceive, and if they are organic, it will mean that impulses are transmitted chemically, unless it is lightning in which case, Lord save the poor chap), and they may or may not be affected by the diseases that plague and kill the human race. And even if they are affected by the diseases, I think the mortality rate will be lower when compared to the average humans.

On the other hand, a subhuman is someone with the binary brain but has become attached to the human way of life. The humans, however illogical they may be at times, have been able to invent means to travel in space. I haven't witnessed an Inhuman in this reality (I'm sorry, my brain lives the comic book realities). But subhumans, well I can certainly say that I'm one. Go back a few months, I could have said that some of my friends were subhumans. But they have evolved, developed a brain that is not a binary brain like mine (binary because, like the binary system where there are only 0s and 1s , there are only rights and wrongs in my brain. The grey area, like the grey matter in my brain, is non-existent.).

Now comes the million dollar question. Why did I post this shite? It's really very simple, I feel lonely these days. As the only subhuman I know of, it is hard to keep up with the humans (Actually, the real reason can be connected to my first and second posts, I created this blog just for fun, and the only thing that I do in the digital world is shit.)

P.S. There is no such thing as a subhuman. I'm certainly not one, and I can guarantee that. And as for any inhuman, I suggest you go read a Marvel or a DC comic book. And if you really agree with whatever I've posted in this piece of shite, then you need to see a shrink, get your head checked and tighten all your screws ,and finally, come back to reality and be a responsible citizen.

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