Bigg with the double g boss is not one of the finer aspects of indian television, that much i will concede. It definitely is not intellectually stimulating material, but who am i to know i had to use spell check to spell the word "intellectually".

Even so, i would like to disagree wholeheartedly with anyone who says its not a show worth watching. The basic premise of the show is to showcase human behavior in a constricted environment , and it pulls it off brilliantly each season.

A lot of movies have been made on this simple premise, most recently the example that comes to mind is "Carnage" , a Roman Polanski directed Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet and Christoph Waltz movie that is about two couples who are the parents of two boys who have hurt each other in some way. The boys are never even shown in the movie, and the whole film takes place in a room as the parents try to reason amongst themselves about how to deal with the situation. The film is darkly humourous and it subtly shows hows civility is slowly peeled of each of the parents demeanor as the discussion progresses over drinks.

Anyways coming back to our down to earth host Salman Khan's show, even though sometimes needlessly long(sort of like this article) it does provide with a very indian take on observation of homo sapiens in a sort of captive scenario.

We have Armaan Kohli, a modern day Duryodhan in my personal view, who most frequently breaks his pretend shell of sanity and lashes out at anyone he can. He has no qualms about admitting that he is the center of this universe and would love to impolitely disagree with anyone who thinks otherwise. As i observed him i realised i have personally known people like him, people who are in the kindest sense of the term ego-centric-double-crossing-lying-assholes but none the less always get people to agree to what they are saying.

Then we have Asif, among the top 100 male models in the world, or so they claim, who is the poor bengali caught in the verbal crossfire of a hindi speaking junta in a hindi speaking place. He is the butt of all jokes and no one really takes him seriously. It does not help that he thinks he is better and more intelligent compared to the rest of the housemates, which only adds to the hilarity they find in his presence. No one respects him, and the one who disrespects him the most is Mr.Kohli, whom Asif both loathes and is scared of. So he sticks around like a dog.

Now they actually have bought a dog into the house, but it is an altogether seperate issue.

#if ppl here are interested i'l write the rest of the article, but lets wait for what the response to this one is...cheers :)

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