I have been doing a lots of work these days. I had been working hard earlier too, but the number of changes being done to writerbabu has increased per unit time. Each change making the system more robust and scalable. Running the code in the first attempt is itself a big thing and small cases get left here and there most of the times. There is almost no visible change on site but the ongoing process is necessary for smooth user experience. Now a days those cases are being identified, thanks to everyone's feedback and support. Getting an overwhelming amount of learning in the process.

Next season of change on WriterBabu will make it more interesting and interactive. And by interactive i mean really interesting interactive. Something very awesome is in line.

Some of the recent changes that one can 'see' are:

friends suggestions on profile page.
comments feed and friendship feed on home page as you login
edit post functionality. earlier one can edit only drafts.

Btw, social network is really a complex thing to make.. :P

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