I was just thinking about
the troubles here on earth
I supposed we have had some
Ever since our humble birth

But today there is a strange
and weird feeling of hopelessness
I'm not trying to be morbid
Or lose any of my good sense

But look around you and notice
You can see it everywhere
People not smiling but crying
Filled with a lifetime of despair.

I know there is hope and
I'm doing my best to proclaim it
But in the mean time in this life
Look around and see a time bomb is lit

Frustration and utter disappointment
In the life that has come our way
Everyone of us looking toward
Some symptom of a brighter day

Government lies to us and deceives
Our very trust for anyone is gone
How do we know what will happen
Will there even be a brand new song?

Of course, there is hope for
You and for all of us even today
We need to focus and work toward
A better and incredible sunny day

I know my God is in control of
Everything even though I wish I did
I'm going to stand tall and move on
I'm not going to keep the truth hid

Follow the truth and don't believe those
Who would send you the wrong way
Really, through the struggle each day
One day we will see a much brighter day

Tags: Motivation

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