You came into my life, you brought me pain,
But I never bothered, 'cause I got you!
You gave me sleepless nights and busy days,
But your happiness was all I ever cared!
You hurt me with your rude words and careless actions,
But I knew you didn't do it intentionally!
You brought tears in my eyes,
But I forgot them for the joy you brought in my life!
You asked me for things that I couldn't afford,
But I found ways to get you whatever I could!
You told me your dreams and desires,
But I forgot my dreams and made yours my own!
You grew up to be a young man,
But I forgot even I was growing old!
You left me in search of a better life,
But I accepted your decision, though I was hurt!
You forgot me in your quest to be rich,
But I still remember you every moment of my life!
You never made time for me,
But I spend all of my time thinking of you!
You never cared whether I am alive, never loved me,
But remember son, I'm you mother and no matter what, I still love you!

Tags: Love, Mother, Pain

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