Oh boy! Why in earth do we have to speak LOVE now….?
But hear there’s a need now….an urgent need !
We have missed our bright year of so many love so far…
We don’t have time to mug up relations anymore. If you need time to not might you then need a better life that you shouldn’t regret after….
· How often you kiss your mom and say her bye when you leave out?

· When have you cared to tell her the time you will be back?

· Do you spend time chasing your dad’s purse more or for his questions…?

· Remember the last time you saw glitter in their eyes?

· Ever find time with them to chat….?

· How many times have you remained silent to their questions?

· Ever thanked mom for the brilliant breakfast..?

· Know your brother’s or sister’s friends?

· Ever happy in home as when with your pals so far…?

· Ever thought why in this world this is your home?

· Do you want to shift to your friends home anymore?

· Envy the class topper for being the comparison?

· Why is the necessity to use a neutral smile to all world around..?

Open up. Be what you are….
You just have to show yourself who you are. Not anybody else. Keep calm.
Let the ignition work now.
So, when you have these much love inside your home…., why rush out….???

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