This was the time of Elections 2013 when i was going to cast my first vote for my Pakistan with the hopes that this will bring the change, this will turn over a new leaf. Excited to vote , courage to do & the dream to see a peaceful Pakistan make me step towards the polling station in my area.

Witnessing the scenarios their completely blew my mind in anger & stress. Misuse of legal votes, people were compelled to vote only for the selected leader. One common man voting 10-15 times to increase the votes. I don't know either they were paid or they were ordered to do this. One thing miserable happened when i went to cast my vote of my choice they took my NIC & didn't give back, they told me to vote only for the selected leader otherwise they will not return the NIC, i argued to them but they turned a deaf ear & unwillingly i cast the vote of their choice. By then i got the idea of almost all the polling stations because this does not happened just with me, it was the story of every second person.

Energy fainted, hopes died & dreams shattered. This made me think if the system is full of corruption & fake identities then how can a legal vote of a common man can bring change to a country? How can we demand for the Pakistan which Allama Iqbal thought for & Quaid e Azam struggle to make?

Elections 2013 did not change my country a bit but had make the situation more worse to handle. Now I have made a promise to myself "I'll not vote until my vote counts, until it has some value, until it's going to be my voice, until someone is going to stand honestly for Pakistan."

We all cannot change the system but we can take a step by boycotting the current system, by taking stand against our system. Moreover we can do our little efforts to change the system which includes "CHANGING OURSELVES FIRST".

"When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves"
~Viktor E.Frankl

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