Chapter – 2
King’s Rocks

By the time we reached the next big town (Lorton), Bill had fallen asleep and the three of us were trying to get the bitter taste of spinach out of our mouths. Only us awake three were eager to get to the airport because we had heard that aero planes have on laid waitress services and they also have chocolate which was our greatest desire for the moment. Suddenly Jack shouted,” Hey, I see an aero plane!” We all eagerly looked out of the window and Bill, who had now awakened, promptly fell on our feet.
We all were all soon hailed by a voice as the car came to a stop outside the airport,” Yoo-hoo, hi there Jonasons. Going on a vacation, me too, me too!” We all children were sort of, thunderstruck because that voice was Rex’s, Rex is about 40 years old but he still behaves like a girl to us, only. As some of you might know, the Rex was our next door neighbor whom we all detested and surprisingly, he liked us, and the thought that we all were not going to see him for a month was lovely, but he was coming on a vacation. But, there was still hope, because he might not be going to Lakshadweep as we were. We were all very careful as we stepped out of the car, because none of us wanted to suddenly come up face-to-face with the Rex.
We arrived at Lakshadweep. The voyage itself needs a story, only it can’t have one. The three of us who had eaten spinach were all heartily sick and had to spend most time in the bathroom. Bill, who was not in the least sick, scampered up and down the gallery of the plane and had disturbed most of the passengers, in the end, he had to be provided with a chocolate from father in order to calm him down.
When we arrived at Lakshadweep islands, we couldn’t spot the Rex anywhere, much to our relief. When we arrived, I found that the island we landed upon, was called, King’s Rock, and Bill could be heard to say,” What! Does that name mean that a King here only owned one solitary rock?” Oh yes, I could see that we were going to have a little fun here, oh yes!

Tags: King, Rock, Fiction, Travel

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