
When I had lost all hope, Martha suddenly spotted a key in the door and turned it. The door opened, we all gasped, Jack said,” The wind must have slammed it and some sort of automatic mechanism must have locked it too. We all went to the breakfast table in high spirits which were soon to be downed. On the other end of the room, a huge table was placed and near it, the Rex! You can hardly imagine the bad feeling which was creeping into us and making us realize that our first holiday was spoiled! We were so surprised that we didn’t notice the bird which had knocked us down earlier, suddenly flew into the room and sat on a sort of ledge on the ceiling. But we had to notice something when the old woman also appeared in the room brandishing a rolling pin, evidently in pursuit of the bird, accidently charged into us and we all sat into a heap on the floor. She said,” Bad bird, you knock guest down.” We all were amazed in the superlative degree when we saw what sort of bird it was. It is really very difficult to define, so I have posted its picture here.

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You can see more amazed we were as we saw that its beak was tied by a thread. So that solved the mystery of the bird not eating any of the food it carried away. Martha said,” We must help it; otherwise it will starve to death.” And she said again, holding up a bit of carrot,” Here, here Polly, we won’t hurt you, take it, it’s for you.” We all were still due to one more amazement as the parrot bent down and tried to take up the carrot. As he bent down, Martha deftly opened the thread that bound his beak. And from that day onwards, that parrot never left us!

Tags: Surprise, Parrots

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