And finally…

When I think over all the circumstances that had finally led to our doom, I think we were luckily lucky, yeah this might sound a little stupid but still, it’s true. Now for the explanation – As I mentioned before, we all were warned that some seismic activity was taking place under King’s Rocks, there was no danger, but when the earthquake came, it made a small crack in the feed pipe of an underwater volcano, that too wasn’t dangerous, but when the lightning struck it made little explosions. That was like adding a nuclear bomb to the fire…
When we were out on the boat the lightning thing happened, but, Mother Nature wasn’t done with us and the little boat yet. Bill was the person who was most affected by the lightning, so he leaned over one side and said,” Cool.” Almost simultaneously a fin was to be seen piercing the water, heading for our boat. Shark! Poll began to screech and squawk, he suddenly took off heading to the mainland. I always know when animals sense trouble and become a shouting machine in their own tongue, this was a sign that trouble was coming. I was also watching the fin; it stopped and sort of trembled and ran (or rather swam) towards the open ocean at full throttle. Suddenly everything went calm and quiet as if it were afraid of making any noise that might trigger something. When we were rowing to the main land to get a little refreshed a loud noise came to us as if something had exploded under the water and a huge mountain of water rose up behind us and threw us mercilessly on towards the mainland. As if on cue the stillness disappeared and a whirlpool appeared in front of us. No need to say this with fright or enthusiasm because this was just a thousandth part of the trouble we actually were in. The boat went round and round the side of the whirlpool and Bill fell overboard due to centrifugal force. Bill couldn’t swim. He was drowning…drowning…

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