When Death Hugs

I didn’t stop to see sense, I jumped in the water. I knew how to open my eyes in the water so I could see Bill easily. Unfortunately, I could also see what was beneath him and that ‘thing’ almost paralyzed me. It was a extra-deep underwater crevice in which some red light and bubbles were coming out. Bill was falling (or sinking) inside it! He went in inside it and I saw a black shadow creep up beside me. I panicked (that’s the only time I am going to admit it). The shadow was Jack; he had dived in too. I went inside it too. And when I was in it I panicked again because Bill was hanging on to a piece of rock which came off the edge of the crevice as I entered it and there was an underwater active volcano underneath him (that gave off the red light). I could see that Bill couldn’t hold his breath any more, he fainted. Jack immediately swam under him and I followed suit. It was getting hotter and hotter, we were about to be boiled alive. Suddenly, I saw a metal object flung into the lava with a rope attached to it. In less time than it takes to tell Jack and I had realized that Martha had flung down the anchor of the boat to help us and stop the boat from going down the whirlpool. We climbed up the rope and got into the boat. It seemed that metamorphosis had taken place. The ocean had spent its fury. The wind didn’t exist and a sudden mist had emerged. Bill had now revived. He was holding something in his hand. It was the piece of rock which he had been clinging to. He said a few words to tell us why he was holding it,” Blue sand… only found in Kimberley… diamond mine… here… blue sand… look… rock.” From this we gathered that he had seen blue sand here and we all knew that blue sand was also found in Kimberley diamond mine. This meant that Bill that Bill had clung to the weakest rock in order to get a specimen. When we examined the rock, it had 5 diamonds on its exterior and many more in its interior. “Never do that again.” Martha warned Bill (who had fainted). Anyway it’s time to quote the old saying-

“All’s well that ends well”

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