The other day a girl from my office came to my cubicle and saw the Lord Ganesh idol I had kept and exclaimed "CHooo Cute!!!" "What a cutie pie Ganesha"

I starred at her beautiful eyes and wondered about this new breed of hip-hop chicks. This breed finds everything "Choo Cutee" right from a new born baby to a dog's puppy....from a macho chest revealing Salman Khan to a Ganesh idol. Are they so dumb not to differentiate a human baby with a dog's puppy? I am clever enough not to put this question to her otherwise she would advertise me as a selfish, ruthless, insane, inhuman moron.

Anyways this new breed is the group of hip-hop, scantily clad, heavily perfumed, chicks fresh from coding/decoding computer languages in their colleges (in short the freshly laid eggs of computer engineering) who are self proclaimed professionals.

The deodorants and perfumes they put on are more responsible for nasal cancer to the society than the high emission automobile fuels. Ever imagine standing alone in an elevator with a group of such heavily perfumed chicks. The combined result of the intoxicating perfumes emitted are enough to tickle your nostrils and you will end up with your hankie on your nose and a few sneezes before you reach your destination....


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