Too often I plunged,
Into a state of gloom.
Not wanting to know,
The fault lay with whom.
Too often I was robbed,
Of my peace of mind.
Cringing with cruel fear,
I spent many nights awake.
Too often I wanted to leave,
From my own destiny.
Resting in my maker's lap,
Lullaby of thy making me asleep.
The end was never near,
It was hidden from my sight.
Yet there it stood like a tyrant,
All the while mocking my kind.
To all those who hurt me,
To all those who made me stone.
I forgive you all in spirit,
I forgive you in my best kept word.
I look up and see a free enclosure,
All I want is a simple closure.
To liberate me of all my trouble,
I want you to rise above the rubble.

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