I was 4 and my grandma was cooking at night but she used a wrong baking pan.That time i was sitting in the floor playing with my toys and i remember a man standing there wearing neon shorts ,blonde hair with tube socks and nikes. He gently pushed me out of the the pan exploding in the oven glass and messing the things up everywhere,he said never to be afraid,i am there.

Next morning,i told everything to my mom and she started to cry.

Few years later,i went to my cousin's house who lived in London.She was talking about a man i never met.I asked who it was and found it was my uncle who had drowned . He told me that he was named my Godfather and i shouldn't even remember how he looks like.
I saw a pic that my aunt took the day he died amd there he was with neon shorts,tube socks and nikes.The very thing i saw him wearing that day.

Tags: Horror

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