I have come across people who think meditation is a 'tedious' form of art. I mean c'mon, sit at one place, think nothing and try to concentrate on your breathing. HOW!? I tried alright. "Breathing round 1, breathing round 2, breathing round 3... oh i hear a bird! i hear a bird!" only when you are 'supposed' to concentrate then you are distracted by the most minute things. Rest of the times... well the bird might even choke itself chirping and i wouldn't notice.

But when this 'sitting quietly' works, it does wonders! you almost feel like you are invisible to people around. That the wind is blowing through you, relentlessly, that the noises are passing through you like colliding colors! and then you realize that meditation is not about looking inside or concentrating on your breathing or keeping your mind calm. Meditation is bringing yourself out!

This makes me wonder, why do they term one's acceptance of sexuality as 'coming out of the closet?' Maybe because they came out of themselves. Shed their skin and accepted who or what they are. You don't need another person to make yourself accepted and loved. You are enough for that. Yes of course we need companionship. Not just physically but emotionally too. But that companionship needs to be unparalleled and unconditional. And the only way that is happening, is after you learn to love yourself. When you love yourself completely, you don't need anybody else to make you feel complete or capable. Then you are free to give your partner the love they deserve. With no strings attached. Now THAT would be legendary.

But is sitting cross legged in a meadow and chanting 'aum' repeatedly, the only way to accept oneself? i say not. Meditation can be anything. Dancing your heart out, a rendezvous with a friend, laughing out loud or something as exceptional as under water diving if you may! It is something that appeals that inside part of you to come out! So go on...love yourself, pamper yourself, spoil yourself, ACCEPT yourself... you deserve that! Because YOU ARE A PART OF NATURE. and a very essential one at that!

So i think what i am trying to say is at some point of time we all must 'come out of our closet'!

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