My dear wb folks,I want to ask you a question, about how it feels like
when you are compared with someone else,who is better than you or you can say, far far farrrrrrrrrrr better than you??????? Isn't it painful?
you might be feeling like dumping the head of the speaker ,in a dustbin full of garbages and other rubbish materials, for him/her to hang around with...................Many a times,it might have happened with you that you are not good at some work and the person standing next to you is far better than you.The situation is ,both of you are preparing for a competition but only one of you is to be selected for the final show.At that time ,it is obvious that the person standing next to you will be selected as he is better than you and you will be rejected for the same, inspite of working harder than the other one .This is the time,when you will be compared with her.Her qualities will be encouraged and yours discouraged.............Again,you will be moving out of the selection room with a heavy heart, bearing weights of grief,sorrow,pain and above all ANGER...,Remember my friends,it requires guts to bear such comparison,without even uttering a single word,just standing still,with eyes down,hoping for the god to shower its blessings on you.........
People say that each and every child is born with some special qualities of his own which no one can imitate,no one can steal,even the worst of devils on earth cannot.So,donot compare children becoz every child is SPECIAL..........

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