Thinking wondering I seemed mad
was I angry or was I sad
did I feel bad, maybe a tad
definitely i wasn't glad

Impulse behavior did arise
but direction was completely right
felt my privacy invade
cut through my chest like a blade

Someone hacked me with a saw
it felt someone hit me with a paw
but the deed wasn't so bad
it was minor and not that bad

Innocent soul did nothing wrong
my mistake i approached it wrong

Let him dig deep seep through me
but left me hurt very deep

I won't apologize for my deed
it was a reflex i do plead
it seems far fetched but I'm like that
don't pry again as i say again like that.

[ Note: No offense intended. You know what I try to say
Not pleading. Just put what I felt in words.]

Tags: Acquaintance

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