The code of WriterBabu has been written keeping in mind minimization of effort in coding and the ease with which new features can be added because still am the only one involved in writing codes. There were some compromises on speed as even I didn't expected that I'll be inviting people this soon.

Anyways, many things which had been missing are being put in place slowly. Like I just added this page numbers and previous and next page links so that one could easily navigate through older posts. Earlier the number of posts were less so it was not a much needed thing.

Also I modified the code a bit few hours ago and now the speed of sections page and profile page has increased by 2 or 3 times ( an approx estimate...actually reduced the number of queries from 40 to 10).

There would be new author poll soon. It would be really amazing it is based on some well researched techniques.

I know a few bugs which is very difficult for you to find out, so will fix them later. And if someone is interested in doing intern in WriterBabu, he or she is more than welcome. Certificates will be provided to them. If you know someone who is interested please tell them too.

And, Keep writing :)

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