I saw this photo on facebook...

It says, 'Foreigners love Indian culture while Indian girls forget our culture.'

Is it completely true???

I think that it is true to a certain limit but not completely...

If we see this caption and the photo in other way then we will see that it is the exchange of different cultures. Cultures and Religions many other things travel throughout different borders. It is not just the exchange of culture between different countries but this exchange also means that now, the people around the world really want to unite...

And only wearing clothes doesnt decide the culture of a human...

The real culture is decided by the thinking of a single human... If our thinking is good then our culture is good but our culture will surely be bad if we wrong thinking even if we wear the so called Indian clothes...

No religion or culture is bad... They are just different... Being different doesn't mean that it is bad...

Finally, I just want to say that we should respect all the religions, cultures, countries, people...


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