Once every week I find myself staring down a glass wondering why my life is so messed up. Everything I've tried has backfired on my face. Yet I have hopes for a better future. That future seems distant and unlikely right now. I go to sleep every night hoping that someday my fortunes will change. And I guess that hope is all have right now. A depleted bank balance, a small circle of friends and probably the tiniest group of people who have faith in me. But I believe that someday that faith will be rewarded. This is my promise to all those who have believed in me. I will not disappoint you. one day you'll see that your patience was not wasted on me. And today I ask for more patience because I need some time to find myself. I want to thank the people who have stood by me in these dark times and are still there for me. Your support and patience mean more to me than anything else. one day I promise I will give you all a reason to be proud of me.

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