In the dark silent night
I creep into the hearts
Of those whose faith is weak
Of those whose heart won’t seek
Reading holy books would get you nowhere my child
Praying for me to go away would be of no use
For I am the darkness that lurks within
That rots your heart from the core of it
You may ignore and not acknowledge my existence
But I will make you notice in the hours of utter silence
You suppress my presence with the routine you’ve invented
Assuring yourself that I am not here, not present
I still creep into your heart at night when you lie
Fill your heart with fear, doubt and remembrance of past
While you ponder at the ambiguity your brain shuts down
And I watch over you like a mother watches over a child
For you my child I have sacrificed heaven
And to where my end is I shall take you with me
You are not alone when you think you are
For I am still there watching over you like a mother watches a child
Try and Try you will not succeed
For I am something not that you can see
Ignorance won’t kill me, prayers won’t do
For some nights you will feel me beside you
I am darkness the master of the night
And in your heart my child I prevail the light

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