Some days back, I went for a stressful interview. An interview where you had to prepare so many things at the same time. An interview which sounds like an exam. You know, the kind of exam you are never prepared or ready, it was alike.
So, the previous night, I started to plan, to view data, gather information here and there. But, still I was stressed.
The next day, I was all set up. I viewed the rest of the information i needed to have. But still stressed. But, there is always a but, I decided to prepare myself mentally. I kept on saying, "I'm gonna make it happen" , "Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow is going to be a good day" , "I'm gonna show you how great I am". I kept saying these sentences to myself.

This little story is true. Fear can stop you or give you enough strength to decide what you want. In my case, it was either : I collapse or I go to this interview. I chose the second option. Fear makes you strong in some circumstances. How strong is your will?

#Day to Day Thoughts - Bholanauth Jason.

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