Day Five.

This is my fifth day in this room. Today, i might fail in finding the door. Yesterday, by the time i found it, it had become dark.

I started crawling on the wall. Memory started to throw it's weight on my legs. This is a challenge i had expected. But, to live through or rather crawl through it, i needed more than just hands. A smile flashed through my right cheek and wham! i landed on the ground.

It all began with a pain in my left eye. When i tried to locate the pain, it vanished. The same thing happened to the right eye also. I thought it was hallucination. It was. I thought. I began to doubt my thoughts. I developed a certain mistrust. To escape from my thoughts, i closed myself in a room. There is a lock and a key outside. There is a lock and key inside. I ensured that the outside key was kept in the inside lock. I had left the inside key at my office workstation.

I had erased my memory with my thoughts. I wanted to put myself in an infinite loop of 'search and find'. When light came, i would go in search of the door. I would not find it. When it was dark, i would stop. The plan was going on nicely for three days. On the fourth day, my memory began to show signs of life. To make things worse, it created in me the desire to get out. Desire surprised me. If that desire was there in my memory bank, does it mean that i had always wanted to get out? Even when i put myself into this room? Desire to get out brought with it the desire to think. Now, there is no point in staying inside. All the locks and keys could not hold the thoughts from coming inside. Day five was coming to an end.

Day Six.

I was sharing a cold coffee with my colleague. He was talking about terrorists and how why they should join formal politics because democracy is institutionalized terror and so on. He asked me where i intend to go for the holidays. I told him that i had something serious to discuss. His face hesitantly went on 'vibration' mode. I had never ever spoken anything serious to him.

I told him about the room and the door.

He smiled, and asked me, "How will you get out of this room, without the keys?"

I saw a key walking away...

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