Dear Crush,

Honestly, it really pains me that you are gone. Knowing that your presence is no longer here makes my heart ache. The heart, that had once stopped feeling and the heart that never thought it could feel anymore. You cannot imagine how much change you brought into my life. I thought that You came into my life as if to light up my darkness. But the truth is that you were the light for my darkness.


I am hurting. I really am. The pain is intolerable. To know that there is yet another person whose love I cannot get makes it worse. I Love You. I really do. No matter how hard it is, I know that I have to let you go and also let go of all the things that are holding me back.


I need to let go and I want to begin it with you. To let you go, I need to embrace reality and be thankful for every moment I got to spend with you. So thank you for coming into my life. You taught me what it is like to be a better person and that being a better person doesn’t make you weak, but makes you shine.  You taught me how light can draw out all the darkness. You showed me what it is like to feel again, to be human again. Though feeling again makes your departure even worse, it is worth it because of those amazing moments I got to spend with you. Thank you for making me realize that I can love again and be happy, that there is still hope and I too will have a happy ending.

I would like to end with sharing my favourite moment with you.

The time when I made a face at you and you made it back at me. It was the cutest moment with you.



Till next time........

The girl who is head over heels for you.


Tags: Love, Heartbreak

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