Dear Sister,

I have always treated you like a human, ignoring the fact that you were much better than them. After all you had a tail and a bit of fur. I still remember the day when you made a giant leap into my life stealing my heart forever. Remember when I first met you. I was afraid to hold you lest you may fall. Even then the first thing you did was to bite me.

Even after a year and half, I feel practically nothing has changed. You still bite me just the teeth have grown sharper. You still chase me just that you have grown faster and I have learnt to lose. Everything was going alright just one day you left me alone to fend for myself in this cruel world. I never realized how much I loved you till you were gone, far away to the doors of paradise and your body mixed with the soil .

A dog loves you unconditionally. They don’t care whether you are dumb or a scholar, whether you are a multimillionaire or a normal person,. If you love them with your complete heart and soul they will never fail to reciprocate it. You never cared how I look, never cared if I was short or fat, your love for me grew day by day.

It is said that it doesn’t matter who let me down as long as you remember who lifted you up. You did. The more I met people the more I started liking and respecting you. I can never touch you again but I would always feel your memories around me. The paw prints you left in my heart can never be filled by anyone again. But along with that you taught me the most important lesson of life. A person’s absence in our life may slow it down but is never instrumental to stop it. I cried but I have moved on for good. I don’t know how far can I walk all alone but I will try. You changed me and I thank you for that.

Thank you sister, for being with me when I needed you the most. For being the sole light in the darkest tunnel. For me those one and half years were the most incredible years of my life. I will miss you but I will not cry. You taught me to be cheerful and even in your absence I would be.

Tags: Inner self

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