I keep reading of your exploits. How could you be so mean? Dumping guys without a moment's notice?
You claim you're in love, texting n messaging, but after the coochy cooing..after the initial fireworks.. you get bored and then look out for another good looking one.

How inhumanly! How unwomanly!
You are not true blooded women. Like those of old. Who risked their own happiness for the sake of their true love.
You are monsters..cruel..finding sadistic pleasure in sucking blood of guileless, innocent men who fell flat for you.
You tripped them neat, emptied their wallets clean..cheating on them at the same time.
And then coolly walked away saying,'Honey, I'm in love with 'him'.'

The poor guy wallows in self pity, yet prays for your well being..
he won't ever marry..while you make merry.
He visits sleazy joints to take out his frustration..
he starts drinking..his life so ruined.
He has no redressal cell to call up..none to understand anyway.
He grows his beard, longs to be heard..
terribly depressed.. highly suicidal..
he views ALL women now negatively..
he has no interest in life absolutely..
all because of YOU!

You need to be punished, for you won't listen to rhyme or reason..
hell bent on destroying many a promising life.
Tying you up at home won't be enough..
flogging your behind maybe a wee bit fine.
Your parents ought to be blamed, pampering your every little whim.
The best thing to do is to tie up a placard around your shameless neck with the words..
"Meet the DUMPER"

Please stop this game..get back on your knees..beg forgiveness
come back to your senses..
STOP completely this dumping business!

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