Its dark. Its cold. My heart cries out a silent tear. The world outside awaits for my service. Perhaps expecting a better form of myself not the one I am now. But the fear haunts me all along the path I chose. 20 years have passed yet my eyes wonders the world around still trying to understand its ways like an infant's.
Fear, pain, loneliness and emptiness all of them, I feel standing against my dreams.
Come mother sing me a lullaby with my head on your lap,
Come mother sing me a lullaby with those eyes filled with compassion looking in mine,
Come mother sing me a lullaby with those warn hands on my head,
Come mother sing me a lullaby with your voice having the same gentle calmness reminding me of dawn,
Come mother sing me a lullaby for I am a child in need of the strength that faded,
Come mother sing me a lullaby for I am a child no matter how old yet with a dream of my own to become a proper man,
Come mother sing me a lullaby for I shall rise again from the very ashes I was burned down to and make you proud.
Come mother sing me a lullaby so that I can return the favor thousand folds with your happy, satisfied face resting on me and me singing you a Lullaby.

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