"Democracy is the government of fools" - By George Bernard Shaw the famous Irish playwright and a co-founder of the London School of Economics.

I just came across these lines while going through Facebook and it sparked a chain reaction of thoughts inside my brain. Why did he think so? What could be the reasons?

Thought No. 1
There are lots of people in any country, well, atleast in the Indian democracy. All have equal rights. But each one have a different interest. Each individual is different and their thinking is different. Some are businessmen, some are civil servants, some are in army, some are doctors, some are artists, some do export, some do manufacturing.

Thought No. 2
The basis of standard of living lies in the amount of money one has, irrespective of profession and ideology. But the problem is that money is like matter , it can't be created nor destroyed, it just get transferred from one hand to other. Everyone is running after money. Well, most of them are.

Thought No. 3
In a non socialist economy, the one who is smarter, well educated, higher IQ and hard working can earn the more amount of money. And going by a very basic assumption that such people are fewer in number in a realistic world, lesser people hold the greater share of money. Fair enough?

Thought No. 4
The more needy and desperate an individual or community is, the more vulnerable they become of the manipulation in the greed to get more. The situation even more grim when the country is consists of a wide diverse culture and regional divide.

Now since majority is striving for money their varied interests, this majority becomes very vulnerable for the wrong reasons to vote. They want policies which can benefit them, in some cases they will vote for money. Due to lesser IQ and lack of reasoning power and their diversity, they are fooled by the leaders in the name of region, religion and other biases.

Now on the basis of the four thought streams we can conclude something taking the assumption that everything will be done for the majority of vote bank which is non hardworking and less intelligent.

Since everyone is different and their aspirations are different, its almost impossible to satisfy everyone at once. So if a leader promise everyone that he will work for them, he is lying. He is cheating. He is corrupt. If he don't, he will not come to power.

Since money cannot be created, someone is going to loose and since most of the money is with minority and most votes are with poor majority, the policies has to be such that the money should flow from the hard working and more intelligent people towards the non deserving people. The economy is going to suffer.

The majority of votes come from the desperate, low IQ, and very vulnerable individuals. The fools. They can't even decide their own good and are manipulated by the wicked leaders who play with their dreams and emotions and form the government. A government of Fools.

What are your views? Need more arguments to make this article more liberal in its approach.

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