Chapter 3-Entitlement INC/Foodstamps To Go

John Common thought he was very uncommon and had a brilliant uncommon idea. He told Mrs. Mary Common that he needed to quit his common job and collect sub-common unemployment until he could find a uncommon job.

His company’s common board of directors was pleased Common decided to quit before they had to get rid of him. They wanted to hire a sub-common CEO so they could pay him sub-common wages and they wouldn’t have to hear Mr. Common’s complaints about his common salary.

Mary Common was so stressed at her common job because John was not working at a common job and that their uncommon bills kept coming in, that her boss told her she better do a better uncommon job or she would be commonly let go.
Within a few weeks Mary Common was in the line at the common unemployment office seeking sub-common unemployment checks just like John Common.

Mr. Common kept looking for the perfect uncommon job because the sub-common government unemployment people told him he had to look for at least a common job. They wanted him to find a sub-common job but Mr. Common still wanted an uncommon job with uncommon wages.

Mary got her sub-common unemployment and was starting to enjoy being home and not working at a common company and receiving sub-common wages. She loved being able to raise her common son and teach him common things at home, but Mary also had her uncommon husband at home all day long. This was driving Mrs. Common uncommonly crazy.

After a while with John Common on sub-common unemployment and Mary Common on sub-common unemployment their uncommon bills were really piling up. They couldn’t afford common food for their common family and lost their big uncommon house and the uncommon motor home. They couldn’t take any more uncommon trips or have those fancy uncommon phones.

The Common family was getting uncommonly unhappy with their sub-common circumstances. Mary decided she’d better go down to the Common County welfare office and ask what she could do about getting more common money to pay for common food which they didn’t have right now.

The Common County people not only gave the Common family, common food stamps for sub-common food, but the county was able to set the Common family up with an uncommon cell phone for free. The Common family was beginning to think it was an uncommon Christmas.

After a few weeks of sub-common unemployment and sub-common food stamps, the common family was able to at least eat sub-commonly. They had an uncommon phone to call all their uncommon bill collectors to tell them that they couldn’t pay their uncommon bills.

The common family had to move into a sub-common apartment provided by the common state, but their sub-common unemployment was about to run out, so again John started looking for an uncommon job so they could pay their common rent on their sub-common apartment.

John and Mary sat in their sub-common apartment, with sub-common furniture, an uncommon free phone and wondered how they got themselves into this uncommon predicament. John and Mary liked being at home together with their common son, but they didn’t like their sub-common lifestyle with sub-common stream of money coming in and receiving a sub-common amount of food stamp subsistence.

Finally, since their sub-common unemployment had run out, John and Mary both were able to find common jobs that paid common wages and were able to get rid of their sub-common food stamps and bought their own common cell phone. They liked getting free stuff but were unhappy with the sub-common lifestyle that went along with that life.

Within a few months their common son turned twelve and they were able to rent a common house with a common back yard. The common back yard had a common basketball hoop set up so the Common son could exercise and have common friends over to play common basketball.

This common house had a common double car garage in which they parked their common car and piled common junk in the other half. Mr. Common drove the common car to work every day after dropping Mrs. Common at her job. This went on for many common years.

Then one day some uncommon people came to town and rented a sub-common house next to the Common family. They were only uncommon because they worked uncommonly harder they most common residence of Common Town.

Tags: Humor

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