Attachments and addictions in any kind are bad for health.I really believe in this.
You start up a conversation with an acquaintance of yours ,find that both of you share some similarities in thoughts,choices and have gone through the same situations in life.Apparently you decide to hold each other during bad times,console and wipe each others tears.Days pass by and you feel incomplete without their company.All through the day,you have this urge to talk to that person,make sure they are fine.You may indulge in a thousand things but,there is always this little part of your brain worrying and dying to talk to that person.

No i don't really call this love.I call this attachment.It's something that comes through heart.There are a thousand questions brooding over your head.You get perturbed wondering if it is love.Yet,you stop your thoughts and tell yourself "just friends".But,your mind and heart still keep fighting with each other.Once you feel
you are in love and next moment you deny.Somehow you manage to keep all the confusions within your little brain.You keep wondering if the same is happening with the other person.

The story continues for months,your favorite gadget becomes phone.That persons voice becomes your favorite sound.You often get lost thinking of how you can make them feel special or to make them smile.By now you keep waiting expecting the person to confess the feelings You are all set to say a yes.

Next comes the change in attitude.You keep calling that person but,you get a busy tone.You console yourself saying there might be some work.The next time you try,you hear the voice but there isn't any excitement to talk like before.Just a hi how are you and there is an end.You just can't take the changes,but you decide to hold on because of the attachment.You try out every way to fix things up.All you get is a plain response.You keep wondering if all that had happened was facade and nothing came through heart.To you it means the time of your life.But,for the other it was just a cloud that flies with time.
Later you realize nothing can be the same again.You decide not to call or message but,you always end up sending at least a good night or take care.You feel sad for there is no reply.You open your face book and find that status updated and pics clicked with others.
you cry for nights recalling every single detail and finally you decide to get over it.Yet you look back and bask in memories for a hundred times a day.In a few more days you find someone going through the same phase of life and finally your heart disconnects to the old ones and starts finding new connections:D

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