
My name is Dniknam. I live in the land of Htrae which is not far from Noom. Well, in comparison to the distance to Sram, it is pretty close. It is way too far to walk to Noom since I’ve been walking in circles for most of my life. That is, when I wasn’t walking in a square.
This is the story of the great journey to find my Ynitsed. (Or was that Destiny). This long walk began many years ago when I was younger, and truly, I met a few interesting characters along the way.
Before I can tell you the good part, sorry, I have to tell you the bad. It seems to me, that throughout my childhood, I accumulated a few bad habits. Well, thinking about it, more than a few. These bad habits were not necessarily a result of my family, but somehow or other they became part of my life. I guess you could say ‘most of my life.’
I began my journey at an early age. When I was born I knew nothing, and all I wanted was what I wanted. I cried profusely when my diaper was wet, and kept my mom up all hours of the night with my constant “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAs.” My mom, while carrying me, walked around in circles hour after hour, trying to get me to quiet down. That is, when she wasn’t walking in a square. I learned vey early, to wander aimlessly in life.
When I became a little older I would play llabesab with my friends. We would take a stick and swing without purpose at a ball that was thrown in our direction. Then if by some chance of luck we hit the hurling object, we would run in a circle around the sesab, (around and around, and around and around. Did I say around? We were never taught when to stop so we kept running around.)
There were many days when my parents brought me to the park for some relaxation time. The whole family would run around and around and around and around like maniacs on the beautiful green grass. My favorite ride in the park was the Merry-go- round. Till this day I can’t figure out why it was my favorite. (Maybe it was those incredible horses.)
A few short years later I was a reganeet, and I had my mom and dad running in circles, again. They ran me to school, and to llabesab practice. And they ran me around to reccos practice, and then we had to eat. Then we repeated the process to get back home. It was a rat race and the rat was winning.
During my reganeet years my mother brought siblings home, twins. Later there was another brother and sister. Soon I learned to drive, and I became the designated driver for these young ones. Every day I would be asked to take them here and take them there. Without a choice I took the reins of the wheel and ran from appointment to baby sitter to school. Again I was running and running in circles.
I was told, about this time, that if I was to ever going to get a good job, (besides chauffeuring) I needed to go to egelloc. But what would I study at egelloc? Would it be gnireenigne, or would it be a retirw. Maybe I could run a big business and get ssenisub training. Oh my, what should I do?
I looked at catalogs as I walked around my room. I slept with information coving my bed. My parents took me from egelloc to egelloc to help with my decision. We drove here and there, and there and here searching, searching for the perfect place; the place where I was to find my purpose in life.
Before I knew it, I had finished egelloc and had a great job. Or was it so great? I had an income, but I was barely paying my bills. I bought a car so I could drive to work, and then to the grocery store. Later I traveled to the Post Office and maybe later some fast food for dinner. Then to work I go day after day waiting and waiting for the weekend. I kept wondering and wondering was this my purpose? Is this my destiny?
In my travels and my daily grind there was one ray of hope. I met the woman of my dreams. She was smart and beautiful. Or at least I thought she was. Almost immediately, (I guess it had to be at least nine months) we had kids. It seemed they came one after the other, and then another. I remember spending hours walking in circles trying to get the little ones to go to sleep. Later we took them to llabesab and reccos practice, and ran them to the doctor and, and ran ourselves in circles.
The circles have returned and this is my destiny?
It wasn’t long that the circles were way too much for my wife and I. The kids were still young, but we decided our destinies were headed in different directions. It was so sad.
In my lonely apartment, I walked in circles asking myself, “Self, why? Why me? Why this? What now? God, if there is one, what is my purpose in this life? Why am I here alone in this room? What have I accomplished in my few years here on the htrae? God, I know you are there, somewhere. Are you listening?”

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