God has given brain to every living creature,excluding a few, to carry on the normal routine of daily life. But have you ever wondered, do every organism think the way we humans think.

On thing that fascinates me is \'does a dog thinks? When i was a kid, many times looking out of window of my house i used to see a dog sitting in shades by the side of a road, swinging its tongue and staring straight into an empty space where he\'s focusing at just nothing. SO. What does a dog thinking when it is staring into empty space when no one is around to bark at. If you havn\'t seen such a scene, then that is probably because a dog senses your presence much faster than you can catch it thinking. They must be all thinking. What will they eat in the night, or is that bitch hot or not( just an example).

Only human has been able to develop such advanced tools to communicated easily otherwise this world would have been like the one in \'the jungle book\'.

Maybe few thousand years or who knows in a century only dogs will evolve to have a meaningful philosophical discussion, from the knowledge that their ancestors have left in their genes by so many sleepless nights of thinking.

Okay, now lets stop thinking this. Let them have life. :P

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