A post, nicely written with all the emotions but couldn't gather people's attention. One of the main reason is that the title given to that post is not attractive enough to gather the audience.

This thing not only happens on wb but the whole world is diseased by the topic thingy.

Many great authors who have researched years together to write about a topic, who have worked day and night on their work fails to get noticed by a small thing. And that is, the topic and the cover page.

Making an attractive title for a work is necessary but babus, does that single little thing really describes the writing capability of a writer??? Not creating a good cover page means that the content inside is not good???

A book should not be judged just by its appearance. The main thing that decides the book is good or not is the content, the research and the hard work put inside that book.

Sometimes, we may come across some books which are cheap and doesn't have a good image on the cover but the content it contains in worth millions.

This is also applicable in the human life. We judge the character of other's just by seeing their face. A man may look handsome but it doesn't mean that he is good.
Read the inner heart of a person.

Even a stone hearted man has feelings. His heart is like our earth. Hard on outside but as we understand that person well we find the molten part of his heart in the deep inside...

The outer character doesn't imply everything to a person.

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