Do say congratulations to me, last time, in the beginning of the chapter, my flaming apparatus had blown up. Now, me and my lab blew up. Congratulations. I fainted and awoke in hospital. I had just fainted because of exitement and shock. I was fine now, so I went out in the road and found my way to my lab.
I fainted again. Guess I wasn't all right then. Why did I faint again, you may ask? I fainted because instead of the burnt remains of my lab, I found a 20 storey hotel, one that didn't look like a poster. Of course, you may think that I lost my way, but losing your way to the other side of the street isn't very likely (because the hospital I had woken up in was the one I had always seen through the window of my lab). I didn't understand what it could be, then it struck me, time disturbance. It is a thing on which I was writing my book on. I will explain it to you in the next chapter.

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