Time disturbance is the changing of something that happened in the past by time travelling. It is rather difficult to understand so let me explain it to you with the help of an example - Mr. Y was destined to be the first person to time travel. In the future, has a huge laboratory compared to his earlier tiny one. The past one suddenly sees the future one in his laboratory, before he can speak to himself, the future one goes away but purposedely leaves behind papers that tell the past one how to build the huge lab and how to make a time machine. But, a rival of Mr. Y sneaks to the past with the future one and destroys the papers before the past one can get them. By setting fire to the laboratory. The papers get burnt, the past one does not get them. And then the rival again sneaks into the past while it is at the same tense as the past Mr. Y and then he again destroys the area of the even earlier laboratory there. Thus the past Mr. Y does not see the burnt remains of his lab, instead, he sees something else. Thus, he must make new plans for his burnt out lab and destined to be time machine. Otherwise, time will be unbalanced with severe results.

This was what had happened to me.

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