The seven chakras are very important energy centers, where is saved all our active energy. They are great sources of light and healing. That why is so important they to not be blocked and stay flowing.

----> 1. ROOT chakra : red color ---> elements : Fire & Earth. Responsible for grounding, self, confidence, material well-being and healthy food. location - base of spine and tailbone.

----> 2. SACRAL chakra : orange color, connection and ability to accept others. Represents pleasure, well being and sexuality. location : 2 inches below the navel. elements: fire & water

----> 3. SOLAR PLEXUS chakra: yellow color ---> elements : Fire & Air. Confident and in-control with our lives. location : stomach area, upper. self-confidence, self-esteem.

----> 4. HEART chakra : green color ----> element Earth & Earth. our ability to love. Love, joy and inner peace. location - center of the chest, near to heart.

----> 5. THROAT chakra : light blue ----> element Air & Air. Our ability to communicate. Self-expression, expression, truth. location - throat.

----> 6. Third eye chakra : indigo color ----> ability to focus and see the big future. Between the eyebrows, forehead. Intuition, imagination, wisdom, dreams, thinking. Element : water & water.

----> 7. CROWN chakra : violet color ----> fully connected spiritually. Element - ether. location - very top of the head. Pure bliss, inner beauty, spiritual connection, love.

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