When I was texting my friend, the other day I just wondered how plain the messages would look if not for the emoticons! Just as our facial expressions and body language play a role in face to face communication, emoticons do the same for typed communication! Whether you are happy or sad, angry or calm there's a emoticon to bring that emotion out!
A "Happy Birthday :)" looks much better than a "Happy birthday" or a "I'm sorry :(" would convey more than the indifferent "I'm sorry". But wait there is an emoticon for indifference as well! And not to forget you can stick out your tongue as well! :-P
But with the advent of social media, we tend to overdo this! A line of Facebook chat is filled with half a dozen or sometimes more emoticons! Whether we really feel that emotion or not, people are very generous when it comes to the use of emoticons!
Think of it wouldn't it be much better if we smiled as much as we did through our smileys? Wouldn't the world be a better, brighter place if shared that smile with others? Food for thought... Have a nice day :)

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