The United Nation's data states that 1 in 3 women in the world experience violence. That is more than one billion women living on the planet are beaten or raped during their lifetime. This is among one of the biggest civil wars going on in our homes, communities and countries.

We REFUSE to stand by as more than a billion women experience violence.
One Billion women violated is an atrocity, but a One Billion rising against such violence is a Celebration!

The One Billion Rising Campaign is catalyzing communities, collectives, groups and individuals across the spectrum to raise their voices take actions and RISE within their residential areas, work places, schools and colleges, clubs, parks, societies to pledge to prevent and rise against violence.

The One Billion Rising Campaign (OBR) is a global campaign:
• It is an invitation to sing, dance and celebrate women’s right to be free from fear of violence, discrimination and harassment
• It is a call to all peoples - women, men, diverse gender identities and children across all ages, cultures and sites, to refuse to live with any form of violence against them, and in particular, against women and girls in all their diversity
• It is a refusal to accept violence against women and girls as a given, and to work for justice, love and peace
• It is an act of global solidarity.

Data from the National Crime Records Bureau shows that between 1953 and 2011, the incidence of rape rose by 873 per cent, or three times faster than all cognizable crimes put together, and three-and-a-half times faster than murder. In India a woman is raped every 22 minutes, and a bride burnt for dowry every 58 minutes. Further the issue is exacerbated by the adverse child sex ratio indicative of a clear bias against the girl child. The elimination of violence against women and girls is key to the achievement of gender equality, peace and development, and should be the commitment of every citizen, state and society.

The campaign began with a global call from American playwright and activist, Eve Ensler, to people around the world – men and children included - to root out violence against women and join in a global day of action on February 14, 2013. Over 5,000 groups in 177 countries are supporting the idea, whether they are resisting mining in the Philippines or female genital mutilation in Kenya; whether they are supporting survivors of acid attacks in Bangladesh or demanding new legislation on women’s rights in the UK.

In the South Asian region Sangat, a South Asian Feminist Network is coordinating the campaign, across eight South Asian countries, more than 300 organizations are reaching out to people, eminent citizens, youth and the public at large. In India, the One Billion Rising Campaign is picking up speed in more than 15 states. Women’s groups, civil society groups, men’s organizations and groups working on dalit, disability and sexuality rights are all actively a part of this Campaign.

In Delhi OBR was launched by Jagori along with over 50 organizations and more than 700 people at the Jamia Millia Islamia University on November 24, 2012. Eminent women activists gathered to renew their commitments to challenge violence against women and girls. A series of events, film festivals and community mobilization is taking place across the city. This launch is a lead-up to February 14th, 2013 where a billion people will rise for the campaign across the globe.

One billion Rising is gaining momentum across the globe and has been endorsed by some of the eminent personalities in India like Aamir Khan, Javed Akhtar, Shabana Azmi, Aruna Roy, Devaki Jain, Priya Paul, Mallika Dutt, Rahul Bose, Mallika Sarabhai, Kiran Walia, Brinda Karat, Annie Raja, Poonam Muttreja, Syeda Hameed, Rashmi Singh, Vimal Thorat, Vrinda Grover and Anne Stenhammer.

What can each of you do?
• Join the Face book campaign:
• Tell us why you are rising; upload your video or photo with the statement, ‘I am rising, because……’
• Create new slogans, songs, poems, posters, banners, jingles and share them widely
• Initiate a signature campaign in your neighborhoods, spread the word and inspire people to rise and join the campaign and make personal pledges to end all forms of violence against women and girls
• Be a blogger, writer, art designer, send us logos, art work which can be widely used for networking and promoting local events
• Talk about ways to end violence against women and girls, the OBR in communities, schools and colleges, workplaces, bus stops, metro trains, etc.
• Finally join the campaign trail to 14.02.2013—and make a pledge your support to RISE on February 14th 2013.

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South Asia : ;

Tags: Rape, Violance

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