Yes my love will never stop for you,
I will write every morning ,
To show how much i love you,
Today i played tennis match and Won some and Lost some,
But then at that moment your thoughts never came because i was occupied,
When i opened my computer and glanced at Writerbabu,
Yes i thought to write for you again every morning,
My love for you is not mirage but its real love,
Its like moon and Sun which appear and Disappear,
My love for you becomes more stronger everyday,
My love will be different for you in some day,
Because i will start playing guitar for you again,
In the same way i did before,
Yes but the medium will be different,
I will post my links for you everyday where you write i.e your writerbabu,
To show how much love i am going to pour for you.
Yes You are my love i am not weak to give up on you,

The love this way is so clean and pure, may be it makes my love towards you more stronger,
Watch me every morning now you will find something different for your love,
I am always straightforward and will be,

To my Love ,
To my sweetheart,
To my paro,
To my juliet,

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