Here comes the part of the year which I dread,
The path on which I'm always scared to tread.
The war which I have to fight each year,
But yet I fail to master.
The long drawn schedule,
With happiness being miniscule.
The many battles,
Which put my life in tatters!
Time to be busy with books,
No matter how beautiful nature looks.
Of sleepless nights,
Of innumerable fights!
The shivers it sends,
And I've no time to make amends!
As my exams draw near,
I hope to rise above my fear.
Though it is a pain,
I'll not let my hard work go in vain!
I'll do my best,
Put all doubts to rest!
Full of zeal and zest,
I will take the test.
The war has just begun,
And I'm sure it will be won!

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