Some say i m negative,

some say i positive,

some say i m caring,

some say i m heartless,

what should i do in this big bad world,

where everyone play a different game,

to satisfy their hunger,

for money,ego and lust,

where all are the same,

still pretend to be different,

where the hearts are dark,

and face lit with beautiful make up,

with jewellery dazzling accross,

their clothes with best and costliest brands,

their hearts scheming to fool some one around,

and still make others feel they are still on the ground,

Where people believe in sharing what they can,

its all about benefits and things they can,

the world seems so shallow,so misleading with mistrust,

still we believe ,have hope and thrust,

Why one should adjust with what is happening wrong?

Why it cant be other way along?

Why comply with things goin on in blindfolded manner,

Why have sarcasm in news and banner?

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