Breed of actors, big and small we see in the Indian film industry that's growing with wild exuberance and creating cinema featuring the simple yet intense emotions on the silver screen.

Making a movie is much like any group activity; with costly artful constructed props, majestic sometimes pretentious costumes, imported dancers as we see these days and junior artists; the people with no name.

Cinematography is recognized, directors are known, all costume designers collect rewards but the tragedy becomes relative when the music score even if bores is gets acceptance and with a prize the music director sways.

People doing the gruesome leg work, survive without unions working in restrains; they have no rights, cannot demand fair wages nor fight and constantly work playing changing roles, to play the parts in subsequent scenes, and still remaining unseen.

These Extras which have no name, play a big part in the film making game; the film production would have been a grisly business and without them a grim tale.

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