I am amused at the way life treats you at times. It’s almost surprisingly good. I believed myself to be good at socialising, that does not necessarily mean that I have and had loads of friends. But yes it does mean that I treat people kindly which makes them want to talk to me again and develop a bond. Well after doing this for almost two decades on this strange and obnoxious planet, I have started to introspect my life bygone. I know it’s merely a very young age to look back on to. Yet I feel there have been various incidences that have moulded me into present shape and personality.
I have been tagged as a gossipmonger amongst my friends. There was a time in the past when I would have been honoured to have been bestowed upon by this title, however I think times and things have changed. Various incidents have forced me to reconsider my friends. Am I mixing with the wrong people? Circumstances are instigating me to look back and ponder over my relation with people with people whom I confided into. Were they really my friends or was I just being used without my knowledge. Was I interacting with people who were too smart to not let me even question their existence in my life? I am just too confused. My mind does not allow me to think in that light. People can’t obviously be too selfish to indulge in such activities, right? WRONG. The world is just too full of self-obsessed people, to give a damn about the others. Maybe I myself belong to that category of people, that’s why it never occurred me to question their motives. I was just too full of myself and pleased in my happy little world to worry about the what-not.
Although I think, life is just too short to sit and cry over such petty matters. Friends and enemies are all part of our existence. If they do not exist, life wouldn’t be worth living at all. They are like a pinch of chat masala which add spice to our life. Trivial matters like looks, scores, weight, and wealth should not really outweigh the main crux of our existence. These things when exceed their limits can hamper or become a barrier in our goals and a hindrance to our priorities. Hence the main goal must be to clear our minds and set our priorities straight, these things only look good when we have our goals achieved or set in line.

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