He turns back to look at me
Until I'm out of sight baby
Those eyes speak of promises
And there's a heart that wishes
Dreams about a fantasy land
Where forever shall forever stand
Where hurdles shall be conquered
Love shall never be deterred

But there are another eyes
And a heart that never lies
The eyes that open each morning
To find fantasy land farther away each day
Where forever is already over
Where past only remains
And future and present lie in disdain

So a heart is about to be broken
By the one it had mended sometime
But she wishes her eyes were never opened
And fantasyland could stay all time

There are another eyes waiting at the end of the road
True to life dreams that showed
The heart speaks of real land
Says 'When forever ends
Just hold my hand.
There'll be another forever baby
Well get there, trust me'

So yes, the heart forgets
Dreams about fantasy land
Where forever lasted forever
And wants to hold the other hand
Which takes it to the real land
Where there's no past
But a future that'll last
And a present that exists
In a whole of tit bits

So a heart is about to be broken
By the one it had mended sometime
And she wishes her eyes were never opened
And fantasyland could stay all time

But when eyes are close and darkness shows
Fantasy land vanishes
Forever is blemished
Cause real land still exists
In a whole of tit bits

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